Register with CCK to get great benefits!​
All of your info is centralized and accessible
Prepay for a stay, purchase a Gift Certificate, or just keep a running credit balance on the account using a secure network. Credit Card transactions are securely encrypted as tokens through the Cardpointe system. No information is stored on any of CCK's computers or databases.
Upload vaccinations and update information on your time
Upload and view your pet's pictures
Request a reservation quickly and easily​
View previous reservations or cancel future reservations​
Receive Confirmation emails for booked reservations and cancellations
View estimate totals and pay invoices for your reservations
Use this button if you have never used any of our facilities within the past 3 years
Use this button if you have an account already with Country Comfort Kennels
Use this button if you prefer to request a reservation without registering.
(Not Recommended)